Literature on Larvae of Sea Slugs


裸鰓類の幼生関連の文献 裸鰓類以外の幼生関連の文献 卵塊や発生に関連した文献ほか   

Joshua Alder and Albany Hancock (1843/10)
Notice of a British species of Calliopaea d’Orbigny, and of four new species of Eolis, with observations on the development and structure of the Nudibranchiate Mollusca., The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology 12: 233-238
C. W. Peach (1845)
On the development of Doris, The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology 15: 445-446, pl.14 (Doris tuberculata ?)
Geo J. Allman (1845/09)
On the anatomy of Actaeon, with remarks on the Order Phlebenterata of M. de Quatrefages, The Annals and magazine of natural history, No.104: 145-162, Pl.6,7 (Elysia)
Joshua Alder and Albany Hancock (1845-1855)
A monograph of the British nudibranchiate Mollusca: with figures of all the species (英國產ウミウシ圖譜), London: Printed for the Ray Society. (Doris tuberculata他、卵塊や幼生の図が含まれる)
John Reid (1846/06)
On the development of the ova of the nudibranchiate Mollusca, The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology 17: 377-389, pl.10   (Doris, Polycera, Dendronotus )
Alex Nordmann (1846)
D’une monographie du Tergipes edwardsii, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, partie Zoologique, Ser.3, 5: 109-160, pl.1 (Cladobranchia; Fionoidea)
Max Sigm Schultze (1849)
Ueber die Entwickelung des Tergipes lacinulatus, Archiv für Naturgeschichte 15: 268-279, Pl.5 (=シロタエミノウミウシ属Tenellia pallida ? by Bonar 1978)
J. Joyeux-Laffuie (1882)
Organisation et développment de l'Oncidie Oncidium celticum Cuv., Archives de zoologie expérimemtale et générale 10: 225-383, pls.14-22 (Deuxieme partie: développment 333-383, pls.20-22) (ドロアワモチ科Onchidiidae)
Walter Garstang (1890/11)
A Complete list of the Opisthobranchiate Mollusca found at Plymouth; with further observations on their morphology, colours, and natural history, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1(4): 399-457
H. Fischer (1892)
Recherches sur la morphologie du foie des gastéropodes, Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique 24: 260-346 (2 Aeolis exigua.: 273-280, pl.15) (→ホリミノウミウシ属Eubranchus exiguus (Alder & Hancock, 1848) ?)
T. Fujita (藤田經信) (1896/07/15)
Notes of some experiments on Molluscan eggs、The Zoological Magazine, Organ of the Zoological Society of Tokyo(動物學雑誌) 8(93): 47-54, pl.7
あめふらしノ實驗的發生、動物學雑誌 8(93): 236-239, pl.7 (アメフラシの卵割)
G. Mazzarelli (1898)
Bemerkungen über die Analniere der freilebenden Larven der Opisthobranchier, Biologisches Centeralblatt 18: 767-774
Paul Pelseneer (1899)
La condensation embryologénique chez un Nudibranche, Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux 7: 513–520 (Cenia cocksi=Limapontia senestra? (Sacoglossa))
A. Vayssière (1900/04/29)
Note sur un nouveau cas de condensation embryogénique observé chez le Pelta coronata, type de tectibranche, Zoologischer Anzeiger, 23:286-288 (→ ルンキナウミウシ属Runcina coronata)
Jules Guiart (1901/02)
Contribution a l'étude des Gastéropodes Opisthobranches et en particulier des Céphalaspides, Lille, Bigot Frères, 219pp (Thèses présentées a la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Paris)
Dana Brackenridge Casteel (1904/04-08)
The cell-Lineage and early larval development of Fiona marina, a Nudibranch Mollusk, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 56(2):325-405, Pl.21-35 (ヒダミノウミウシ属)
Giuseppe Mazzarelli (1906)
Contributo alla conoscenza delle larve libere degli Opisthobranchi, Archivio Zoologico, Napoli, II: 19–78, Pl.2-4 (BHL)
E. J. Allen and E. W. Nelson (1910/03)
On the artificial culture of marine plankton organisms., Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 8(5): 421-474 (p.469: Archidoris tuberculata)
A. M. Carr. Saunders and Margaret Poole (1910/09/01)
The development of Aplysia punctata、Quart. J. Micro Sci. 55: 497-539 (アメフラシ属)
Paul Pelseneer (1911)
Recherches sur l'embryologie des gastéropodes, Mémoires. Académie royale de Belgique, Classe des sciences (Sér. II) 3: 1–167
(48-78: 14. Philine punctata, 16. Aplysia punctata, 17. Tritonia plebeia, 18. Doridiens (1. Polycera ocellata, 2. Ancula cristala, 3. Goniodoris nodosa, 4. Doris bilamellata, 5. Doris pilosa), 19. Eolis papillosa, 20. Eolis concinna, 21. Eolis colonata, 22. Eolis drumondi, 23. Amphorina olivacea, 24.Tergipes despectus, 25. Dendronotus arborescens, 26. Doto coronata, 27. Elysiens (1. Hermaea bifida, 2. Elysia viridis, 3. Cenia cocksi), 28. Nudibranches en général)
Nathaniel Colgan (1912/12)
Notes on the development of Actaeonia, shewing that A. corrugata of Alder and Hancock is but an immature stage of their Cenia (Actaeonia) cocksi, The Irish Naturalist 21: 225-231 (Cenia cocksi=Limapontia senestra? (Sacoglossa))
筒井清治 (1919/01/28)
ウミウシの卵の色、動物學雑誌 31(363): 32-33
Helmer Pareli von Wold Kjerschow-Agersborg (1921/05-06)
Contribution to the Knowledge of the Nudibranchiate Mollusk, Melibe Leonina (Gould), The American Naturalist 55(638): 222-253   (メリベウミウシ属)
平瀬信太郎 (1923/11?)
タツナミガヒの生殖に関する研究 附 生殖器による後鰓類の分類、動物學雑誌35: 395-400  (産卵から幼生の孵化含む)
G. S. Carter (1926/09/01)
On the nervous control of the velar cilia of the nudibranch veliger, Journal of Experimental Biology 4(1): 1-26, Pls.Ⅰ-Ⅲ (Archidoris tuberculata, Aeolis drummondi, Aeolidia papillosa, Doto coronata)
Jean Risbec (1928)
Contribution a l’etude des nudibranches néo-calédoniens, Faune des colonies francaise 2: 1-328 (オカダウミウシ属Vayssierea caledonicaの発生含む)
Walter Garstang (1928)
The origin and evolution of larval forms, Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Section D.-Zoology : 77-98 (96th Meeting, Glasgow. Mollusca)
G. S. Carter (1928/12)
On the nervous control of the velar cilia of the nudibranch veliger, Journal of Experimental Biology 6(2): 97-109 (Aeolidia papillosa)
A. Tchang-Si (1931)
Un nouveau cas de condensation embryogénique chez un nudibranche (Doridopsis limbata Cuvier), Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences, Paris, 192: 302-304  (→Dendrodoris limbata (Cuvier, 1804) クロシタナシウミウシ科)
Marie V. Lebour (1932/05)
Limacina retroversa in Plymouth Waters, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 18(1): 123-130 (翼足類 ミジンウキマイマイ属)
A. Tchang-Si (1934)
Contribution à l'étude des opisthobranches de la côte de Tsingtao; Sur un nouveau nudibranche de la côte d’Amoy., Contributions from the Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Peiping. 2(2): 1-148, pls 1-16  (台湾海峡沿岸産Pleurophyllidiopsis (タテジマウミウシ科)の産卵ほか?)
Herbert H. Brown (1934)
A Study of a tectibranch gasteropod mollusc, Philine aperta (L.), Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 58(1): 179-210 (キセワタガイ属)
kikutaro Baba (1937)
Contribution to the knowledge of a Nudibranch, Okadaia elegans Baba., Japanese Journal of Zoology(日本動物學集報) 7(2):147-190 (オカダウミウシ→Vayssierea elegans (Baba, 1930) 直接発生)
K. Virabhadra Rao (1937)
Structure, habits and early development of a new species of Stiliger Ehrenberg, Records of the Indian Museum 39: 435–464   (アオモウミウシ属 Stiliger gopalai)
Nellie B. Eales (1937/11/15)
Apparent viviparity in Pleurobranchoides, Journal of Molluscan Studies 22(6): 371-374   (Pleurobranchoides gilchristiPleurobranchella nicobarica カメノコフシエラガイ上科)
Donald P. Costello (1938/09/01)
Notes on the breeding habits of the nudibranchs of Monterey bay and vicinity, Journal of Morphology 63(2):319-343
K. Vestergaard and Gunnar Thorson (1938)
Über den laich und die larven von Duvaucelia plebeja, Polycera quadrilineata, Eubranchus pallidus and Limapontia capitata (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchiata), Zoologischer Anzeiger, Bd. 124: 129-138.
Vera Fretter (1943/09)
Studies in the functional morphology and embryology of Onchidella celtica (Forbes and Hanley) and their bearing on its relationships, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 25(4): 685-720 (ドロアワモチ科Onchidiidae)
Erik Rasmussen (1944)
Faunistic and biological notes on marine invertebrates Ⅰ. The eggs and larvae of Brachystomia rissoides (Hanl.), Eulimella nitidissima (Mont.), Retusa truncatula (Brug.) and Embletonia pallida (Alder & Hancock), (Gastropoda marina), Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Foreningi Kobenhavn 107:207-233   (ヘコミツララガイRetusa属、ヨツマタウミウシEmbletonia属)
Gunnar Thorson (1946)
Reproduction and larval development of Danish marine bottom invertebrates: with special reference to the planktonic larvae in the Sound (0resund), Meddelelser fra Kommissionen for Danmarks Fiskeri-Og Havun dersø gelser, Series Plankton 4(1), 523pp. (キセワタガイ属Philine aperta, チドリミドリガイ上科Limapontia capitata ほか?)
石田壽老 (1947/04/20)
ミノウミウシの孵化と纎毛運動との關係、動物学雑誌 57(4): 43-44 (pdf:free) (Cuthona bicolor →フタイロミノウミウシCuthona futairo Baba, 1963)
Jens M. Ostergaard (1950/04)
Spawning and development of some Hawaiian marine gastropods., Pacific Science 4(2): 75-115
(後鰓類:98-111)(Tethys(=Aplysia) grandis (Pease), T. bipes (Pease), T. elongata (Pease), ビワガタナメクジ属Dolabrifera olivacea Pease, フウセンウミウシ属Notarchus striatus Quoy and Gaimard, Hydatina amplustre (Linnaeus), ミスガイ属Hydatina physis (Linnaeus), Bullina scabra solida Pilsbry, ナツメガイ属Bulla sp., ブドウガイ属Haminoea crocata Pease, タマゴガイ属Atys semistriatus Pease, ヒトエガイ属Umbraculum sinicum (Gmelin), ゼニガタフシエラガイ属Pleurobranchus sp., Placobranchus sp., ゴクラクミドリガイ属Elysia sp., ホンクロシタナシウミウシCryptodoris sp.(=Dendrodoris nigra (Stimpson, 1855), イロウミウシ属Glossodoris sp., ミカドウミウシ属Hexabranchus sp., オオミノウミウシの仲間Aeolidia sp., メリベウミウシ属Melibe pilosa Pease)
吉田元重 (1950/5/15)
Opisthobranchia(後鰓類)3種の産卵観察、南紀生物 1(4): 219-221 (ウミフクロウ, 種名不詳, オカダウミウシ)
John A. McGowan (1951)
The early embryology of the nudibranch Archidoris montereyensis MacFarland., M.S.Thesis, Oregon State University, 50pp.
時岡 隆 (1952/04/20)
ヒダミノウミウシ Fiona pinnata (Eschscholtz)の記録(Record of Fiona pinnata (Eschscholtz) in the vicinity of Seto)、南紀生物別輯 第1号(The Nanki-Seibutsu supplement No.1): 13-15
Kikutaro Baba, Iwao Hamatani (1952/10/05)
Observations on the spawning habits of some of the Japanese Opisthobranchia (1)、Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 2(2): 87-90, pl.7
(1. アリモウミウシ Stiliger (Stiliger) boodleae BABA, 2. ベルグウミウシ Stiliger berghi BABA, 3. ミドリアマモウミウシ Hermaea dendritica (ALDER & HANCOCK))、4. コネコウミウシ Goniodoris glabra BABA.)
馬場菊太郎、田中 亮、阿部 襄 (1953/04/15)
日本産後鰓類の産卵習性に關する研究 (日本動物學會第23回大會要旨)、動物学雑誌 62(3・4): 129
M. Vannucci and K. Hosoe (1953/12)
Notas biológicas: II. sobre Embletonia mediterranea (Costa), nudibranquio da região lagunar de Cananéia, Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico 4(1-2): 103-126  (ヨツマタウミウシ属)
Alice Pruvot-Fol (1954)
"Faune de France. 58 Mollusques Opisthobranches.", Office Central de Faunnistique, Fédération Française des Sociétés de Sciences Naturelles, Paris, LVIII, 1-448, 173 figs, 1 pl. (p.13: Runcina, Vayssierea)
網尾 勝 (Masaru Amio) (1955/03)
二三の海産腹足類(Pulmonata, Opisthobranchiata)の卵並びに仔貝の浮泛性について(Observations on eggs and floating habit of larval shells in some marine Gastropods(Pulmonata, Opisthobranchiata), 水産大学校研究報告(The Journal of the Shimonoseki University of Fisheries), 4(2):239-244 (クロヘリアメフラシ、ブドウガイ)
Kikutaro Baba, Iwao Hamatani, Keijiro Hisai(久井啓二郎) (1956/06/30)
Observations on the spawning habits of some of the Japanese Opisthobranchia (2)、Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 5(2): 209-220, pls.24-26
(5. ネコジタウミウシ Goniodoris castanea ALDER & HANCOCK), 6. シロウミウシ Glossodoris pallescens (BERGH), 7. アオウミウシ Glossodoris festiva (ADAMS), 8. ジボガウミウシ Glossodoris sibogae (BERGH), 9. コモンウミウシ Glossodoris aureopurpurea (COLLINGWOOD), 1881, 10. チシオウミウシ Aldisa sanguinea (CooPER), 11. ヤマトウミウシ Homoiodoris japonica BERGH, 12. クモガタウミウシ Argus speciosus ABRAHAM, 13. ミヤコウミウシ Dendrodoris gemmacea, 14. ダイダイウミウシDendrodoris (Doriopsilla) miniata (ALDER & HANCOCK), 15. オトメウミウシ Dermatobranchus striatus (VAN HASSELT), 16. サメジマオトメウミウシ Dermatobranchus striatus BABA, 17. ムカデメリベMelibe vexillifera BERGH, 18. フジエラミノウミウシ Cratena ornata BABA, 19. チゴミノウミウシ Favorinus japonicus BABA, 20. セイロンミノウミウシ Hervia ceylonica FARRAN, 21. ハクセンミノウミウシ Hervia lineata ELIOT, 22. ヤマトミノウミウシ Aeolidiella japonica ELIOT, 23. Hydatina physis (LINNE), 24. アメフラシ属Aplysia species and their allies, 25. ウミウフクロウ Pleurobranchaea novaezealandiae CHEESEMAN, 26. ヒメコノハミドリガイ Elysia (Elysia) marginata (PEASE), 27.クロミドリガイ Elysia atroviridis BABA, 28.ウチワミドリガイ Elysia halimedae MACNAE.)
馬場菊太郎 (1956/06)
日本産後鰓類の生態ノート 1. 後鰓類の産卵習性(1)(Ecological notes on the Opisthobranchia of Japan. 1. The spawning habits(1)、採集と飼育 18(6): 177-179
馬場菊太郎 (1956/09)
日本産後鰓類の生態ノート 1. 後鰓類の産卵習性(2)、採集と飼育 18(9): 271-273
馬場菊太郎 (1956/10)
日本産後鰓類の生態ノート 1. 後鰓類の産卵習性(3)、採集と飼育 18(10): 312-316
Thomas Gascoigne (1956)
Ⅶ. Feeding and reproduction in the Limapontiidae, Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh 63(1): 129-151 (嚢舌類ハダカモウミウシ科 Acteonia cocksi=Limapontia senestra?)
馬場菊太郎 (1957/03)
日本産後鰓類の生態ノート 1. 後鰓類の産卵習性(4)、採集と飼育 19(3): 81-83
H.A.F.(Hamed Abd el Fattah) Gohar and I. A. Abul-Era (1957)
The development of Berthellina citrina (Mollusca: Opisthobranchiata), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt No.9: 69-83 (ホウズキフシエラガイ属)
H.A.F. Gohar and I. A. Abul-Era (1957)
On a new nudibranch "Phyllodesmium xeniae" (from the Red Sea) with a description of its development, Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt No.9: 131-144 (クセニアミノウミウシ属)
H.A.F. Gohar and I. A. Abul-Era (1957)
The development of three Chromodoris (with the description of a new species), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt No.9: 203-228
Thomas Everett Thompson (1958/11/20)
The natural history, embryology, larval biology and post-larval development of Adalaria proxima (Alder and Hancock) (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society(B), 242: 1-58 (ラメリウミウシ科アダラリア属)
Thomas Everett Thompson (1958)
The Influence of temperature on spawning in Adalaria proxima (A. & H.) (Gastropoda Nudibranchia), OIKOS, 9(2): 246-252 (ラメリウミウシ科アダラリア属)
Kikutaro Baba and Iwao Hamatani(1959/05/30)
The direct development in Runcina setoensis Baba (Opisthobranchia-Cephalaspidea), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 7(2):281-290, pls.22-24 (→クロヒメウミウシMetaruncina setoensis (Baba, 1954)
T. E. Thompson (1959/06)
Feeding in nudibranch larvae, Journal of the Marine Biological Assoiation of the United Kingdom 38(2):239-248
H.A.F. Gohar and I. A. Abul-Ela (1959)
On the biology and development of three nudibranchs (from the Red Sea), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt No.10: 41-62, pls.1-5
川口四郎(Siro Kawaguti)、弥益輝文(Teruhumi Yamasu) (1959/12/15)
二枚の殻をもつた嚢舌目のウミウシ:タマノミドリガイ(A bi-valved Sacoglossan Gastropod, Tamanovalva limax)、動物学雑誌 68(12): 442-446
Siro Kawaguti (1959/12)
Formation of the bivalve shell in a Gastropod, Tamanovalva limax(タマノミドリガイの2枚殻形成について), Proceedings of the Japan Academy (日本学士院) 35(10): 607-611   (タマノミドリガイ属Berthelinia limax (Kawaguti & Baba, 1959))
Siro Kawaguti and Terufumi Yamasu (1960/09)
Spawning habits of a bivalved Gastropod, Tamanovalva limax, Biological journal of Okayama University 6: 133-149  (タマノミドリガイ属Berthelinia limax (Kawaguti & Baba, 1959))
Iwao Hamatani (1960/05/30)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (1), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 8(1): 59-70
(アリモウミウシ Stiliger boodleae Baba, ハマタニミドリガイ Elysia hamatanii Baba, キヌハダモドキGymnodoris bicolor (Alder & Hancock), フタイロミノウミウシ Catriona bicolor (Bergh)→Cuthona futairo Baba, 1963)
M. C. Miller (1960/12/01)
A note on the life history of Aplysia punctata Cuvier in Manx waters, Journal of Molluscan Studies, 34(3):165-167 (アメフラシ属)
Iwao Hamatani (1960/12/20)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (2), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 8(2): 307-315
(ヒオドシウミウシ Halgerda rubicunda Baba, フジエラミノウミウシ Catriona ornata (Baba), ツノバネミノウミウシ Catriona pinnifera (Baba).)
K. Virabhadra Rao and K. Alagarswami (1960)
An account of the structure and early development of a new species of Nudibranchiate Gastropod, Eolidina (Eolidina) mannarensis, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 2(1): 6-16 (→ミノウミウシ属Anteaeolidiella orientalis?)
Iwao Hamatani (1961/05/30)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (3), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 9(1): 67-79
(キセワタ Philine japonica Lischke, カノコキセワタ Doridium gigliolii (Tapparone-Canefri), スガシマコネコウミウシ Goniodoris sugashimae Baba.)
Iwao Hamatani (1961/12/20)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (4), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 9(2): 353-361
アオクシエラウミウシ Doriopsis viridis Pease, キイロクシエラウミウシ Doriopsis aurantiaca (Eliot), ミサキヒメミノウミウシ Eubranchus misakiensis Baba.)
T. E. Thompson (1961/08/01)
The importance of the larval shell in the classification of the Sacoglossa and the Acoela (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia), Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 34(5): 233-238
T. E. Thompson (1961)
Observations on the life history of the Nudibranch Onchidoris muricata (Muller), Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London 34(5): 239-242  (シロトゲウミウシ)
K. Virabhadra Rao (1961)
Development and life history of a nudibranchiate gastropod Cuthona adyarensis Rao, Journal of Marine Biological Association of India 3: 186-197 (オショロミノウミウシ属)
C. Swennen (1961)
Data on distribution, reproduction and ecology of the nudibranchs molluscs occurring in the Netherlands, Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 1: 191–240 (30種)
T. E. Thompson (1962/10/04)
Studies on the Ontogeny of Tritonia hombergi Cuvier (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B), 245:171-218 (ホクヨウウミウシ属)
Iwao Hamatani (1962/12/31)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (5), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 10(2): 283-292
(マツシマコメツブガイ Decorifer matushimana (Nomura), ウミナメクジPetalifera punctulata (Tapparone-Canefri), ヤマトウミウシ Homoiodoris japonica Bergh.)
Helene Gantès (1962/12/17)
Recherches sur quelques larves de Glossodorididae (Mollusques Opisthobranches), Bulletin de la Société des Sciences naturelles et physiques du Maroc, 42: 267-277   (→Chromodorididae: Felimare, Felimida )
B. Wisely (1962)
An outline of the development of the bivalve gastropod, Midorigai australis Burn, 1960, Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia 1(6): 37–39   (→Berthelinia australis (Burn, 1960) タマノミドリガイ属)
Jean Tardy (1962)
Observations et expériences sur la métamorphose et la croissance de Capellinia exigua (Ald. et H.) (Mollusque, Nudibranche), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris 254: 2242-2244  (= Eubranchus exiguus (Alder & Hancock, 1848) (ホリミノウミウシ属))
Jean Tardy (1962)
Cycle biologique et metamorphose A'Eolidina alderi (Gasteropode, Nudibranche), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris 255: 3250-3252 (=Aeolidiella alderi (オオミノウミウシ科))
I. S. Roginskaya (1962)
Biology, reproduction and development of Cuthona pustulata (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia), Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 146(2): 488-491 (In Russian). (→ゴシキミノウミウシ科 =Zelentia pustulata (Alder & Hancock, 1854) ?)
網尾 勝 (Masaru Amio) (1963/03)
海産腹足類の比較発生学ならびに生態学的研究(A Comparative Embryology of Marine Gastropods, with Ecological Considerations), 水産大学校研究報告(The Journal of the Shimonoseki University of Fisheries) 12(2/3): 229-358(その中に、後鰓類)
Iwao Hamatani (1963/07/20)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (6), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 11(1): 125-130
(ベルグウミウシ Stiliger berghi Baba, マツカサウミウシDoto japonica ODHNER)
Michael G. Hadfield (1963)
The Biology of Nudibranch Larvae , OIKOS, 14(1):85-95
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1963)
The biology and development of Hexabranchus sanguineus (Rüpp. and Leuck.)(Gastropoda, Nudibranchiata), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 12: 219-247 (ミカドウミウシ)
Michael G. Hadfield (1964)
Opisthobranchia: The veliger larvae of the Nudibranch, Fiches d'identification du zooplancton, 106: 1-3
T. E. Thompson (1964)
Grazing and the life cycles of British nudibranchs. In: Grazing in terrestrial and marine environments (edited by D. J. Crisp), Blackwell Scientific Publication: 275-297
Jean Tardy (1964)
Observation sur le développement de Tergipes despectus (Gastéropode, Nudibranche), Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris 258: 1635-1637 (ヒダミノウミウシ上科)
Jocelyn D. Reid (1964/11)
The reproduction of the Sacoglossan Opisthobranch Elysia maoria, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 143(3):365-393 (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
T. E. Thompson (1966)
Development and life history of Archidoris pseudoargus, Malacologia 5(1): 83-84 (Proc. second Europ. Malac. Congr.)(→Doris pseudoargus ドーリス属)
T. E. Thompson (1966/09/22)
Studies on the Reproduction of Archidoris pseudoargus (Rapp) (Gastropoda Opisthobranchia), Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 250:343-374, pls.72-76 (→Doris pseudoargus ドーリス属)
堀越増興 (1966/12/15)
ホクヨウウミウシ属(Duvaucelia:軟体動物後鰓類)2種に於ける孵化幼生の生態と形態の比較 : 直接発生への1段階(日本動物学会第37回大会講演要旨)、動物学雑誌 75(11・12): 363
臼杵 格 (1966)
佐渡産後鰓類の発生の比較観察(A comparative observation of the embryonic development of the Japanese Opisthobranchs in Sado Island)、新潟県生物教育研究会誌(Bull. Niigata Pref. Biol. Educ.) 3: 19-31
Itaru Usuki (1966)
The life cycle of Haloa japonica (Pilsbry) 1. The larval development, Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., Ser. D (新潟大・理・研究報告 D類(生物学) 3: 87-105 (ブドウガイ) 
Itaru Usuki (1966)
The life cycle of Haloa japonica (Pilsbry) 2. Spawning and growth, Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., Ser. D (新潟大・理・研究報告 D類(生物学) 3: 107-121 (ブドウガイ) 
Siro Kawaguti and Terufumi Yamasu (1966)
Feeding and spawning habits of a bivalved gastropod, Julia japonica, Biol. J. Okayama Univ. 12: 1-9 (ユリヤガイ属)
T. E. Thompson (1967/02)
Direct development in a Nudibranch, Cadlina laevis, with a discussion of developmental processes in Opisthobranchia, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 47(1):1-22 (カドリナウミウシ属)
Masuoki Horikoshi (1967/07)
Reproduction, larval features and life history of Philine denticulata (J. Adams) (Mollusca - Tectibranchia), Ophelia 4(1): 43-84 (デンマーク産 キセワタガイ属)
S. Tyrell Smith (1967/09)
The development of Retusa obtuse (Montagu) (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia), Canadian Journal of Zoology 45: 737-746 (ヘコミツララガイ科 コメツブガイ属)
Iwao Hamatani (1967/09/11)
Notes on veligers of Japanese Opisthobranchs (7), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 15(2): 121-131
(ヒラミルミドリガイ Elysia trisinuata Baba, サメジマオトメウミウシ Dermatobranchus striatellus Baba, ヤマトミノウミウシ Aeolidiella japonica Eliot.)
Itaru Usuki (1967)
The direct development and the single cup-shaped larval shell of a Nudibranch, Glossodoris sibogae (Bergh) ., Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., Ser. D (新潟大・理・研究報告 D類(生物学) 4: 75-85) (ジボガウミウシ Glossodoris misakinosibogae Baba, 1988)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The biology and development of Dendrodoris (= Doridopsis) fumata (Rüppell and Leuckart) (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 14: 31-54 (クロシタナシウミウシ)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The biology and development of Chromodoris inornata Pease (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 14: 77-94 (→Chromodoris aspersa (Gould, 1852) モンコウミウシ)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The biology and development of Chromodoris tinctoria (Ruppe and Leuck)(with reference to the taxonomic value of spawning characters), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 14: 95-108 (サラサウミウシ)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The direct development of the Nudibranch Casella obsoleta (Rupp. and Leuck.)(with remarks on the metamorphosis), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Egypt 14: 149-166, pl.1  (→アデヤカイロウミウシ属Goniobranchus obsoletaと別種?)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The biology and development of Asteronotus cespitosus (van Hasselt), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 14: 177-196 (コバンウミウシ)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
The biology and development of Discodoris concinna (Alder & Hancock), Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa, Red Sea 14: 197-214 (ツヅレウミウシ属)
H. A. F. Gohar and Gamil N. Soliman (1967)
On two rare nudibranchs of the genus Trippa Bergh (of different developmental behaviour)., Publications of the Marine Biological Station, Al-Ghardaqa 14: 269-293 (→Atagema カイメンウミウシ属)
Ursula Seelemann (1967)
Rearing experiments on the amphibian slug Alderia modesta, Helgoländer wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen 15: 128–134 (オオマツモウミウシ)
Anne Hurst (1967)
The egg masses and veligers of thirty northeast Pacific Opisthobranchs, Veliger, 9(3):255-288
小山千万樹 (1968/09/30)
アオウミウシの産卵、ちりぼたん 5(3): 70
Richard W. Greene (1968)
The egg masses and veligers of Southern California sacoglossan opisthobranchs, The Veliger, 11:100-104
Bertil Swedmark (1968)
The Biology of interstitial Mollusca, In: Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 22, Academic Press, London, 377pp. : ? (スナヒモウミウシ類、スナウミウシ類)
臼杵 格 (1969/02/15)
アマクサアメフラシ幼生の生長とアメフラシ類の生活史(日本動物学会第39回大会講演要旨)、動物学雑誌 78(1・2): 79
Itaru Usuki (1969)
The reproduction, development and life history of Berthellina citrina (Ruppell et Leuckart) (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)., Science reports of Niigata University. Series D, (Biology) (新潟大学理学部研究報告 D類, (生物学), 6 :107-127) (ホウズキフシエラガイ)
Teruhumi Yamasu (1969)
On the development of the bivalved Gastropod, Tamanovalva limax, Biological Journal of Okayama University 15: 37-71 (→ Berthelinia limax (Kawaguti & Baba, 1959) タマノミドリガイ)
John Grahame (1969/12)
The Biology of Berthelinia Caribbea Edmunds, Bulletin of Marine Science 19(4): 868-879 (タマノミドリガイ属)
M. Patricia Morse (1969)
Direct development in the nudibranch mollusc, Coryphella stimpsoni Verrill 1880., American Zoologist 9(3): 618 (→Ziminella salmonacea (Couthouy, 1838)? キタカゼミノウミウシ科)
Norbert Schönenberger (1969)
Beitrage zur Entwicklung und Morphologie von Trinchesia granosa Schmekel (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)., Pubblicazioni della Stazione zoologica di Napoli 37: 236–292.  (ゴシキミノウミウシ属)
臼杵 格 (1970)
佐渡沿岸における後鰓類の出現期と産卵期(Collection records and spawning seasons of Opisthobranch Mollusca in the Sado district of the Japan Sea)、佐渡博物館報(Sado Museum Memoirs) 19:1-10, pls.1-2
Itaru Usuki (1970)
Studies on the life history of Aplysiae and their allies in the Sado district of the Japan Sea., Sci. Rep. Niigata Univ., Ser. D (新潟大・理・研究報告 D類(生物学), 7 :91-105)
Jean Tardy (1970)
Contribution à l'étude des métamorphoses chez les Nudibranches, Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie), Paris, 12: 299-370 (Aeolidiella alderi (オオミノウミウシ科) 他)
Jean Tardy (1970)
Contribution à la connaissance de la biologie des nudibranches: développement et métamorphose: Ⅰ. Facelina coronata (Forbes) et Aeolis sp., Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France, 95: 765-772 (ヨツスジミノウミウシ属 他)
Lars Hagerman (1970)
The influence of low salinity on survival and spawning of Elysia viridis (Montagu) (Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa), Sarsia 42(1): 1–6 (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Helen P. I. Hughes (1970/03)
The larval eye of the aeolid nudibranch Trinchesia aurantia (Alder and Hancock), Zeitschrift für Zellforschung und mikroskopische Anatomie 109: 55-63  (→ゴシキミノウミウシ科 Catriona aurantia ?)
Ray Gibson, T.E. Thompson and G.A. Robilliard (1970/12/01)
Structure of the spawn of an antarctic dorid nudibranch Austrodoris macmurdensis Odhner, Journal of Molluscan Studies 39(2-3): 221–225  (ドーリス科)
Cecilia Bridges and James A. Blake (1971/01)
Embryology and larval development of Coryphella trilineata O’Donoghue, 1921 (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia)., Veliger, 14(3):293-297  (ホッカイミノウミウシ属)
M. Patricia Morse (1971/02/01)
Biology and life history of the nudibranch mollusc, Coryphella stimpsoni (Verrill 1879)., The Biological Bulletin 140(1):84-94 (→Ziminella salmonacea (Couthouy, 1838)? キタカゼミノウミウシ科)
Fu-Shiang Chia (1971/04)
Oviposition, fecundity and larval development of three Sacoglossan Opisthobranchs from the Northumberland Coast, England, Veliger, 13(4):319-325
David R. Franz (1971/04)
Development and metamorphosis of the gastropod Acteocina canaliculata (Say), Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 90(2):174-182 (オオコメツブガイ属)
Sandra Crane (1971/07)
The feeding and reproductive behaviour of the Sacoglossan Gastropod Olea hansineensis Agersborg, 1923, Veliger 90(2): 174-182 (チドリミドリガイ上科)
臼杵 格 (1971/12/15)
アリモウミウシErcolania(=Stiliger) boodleae (BABA)の生長と産卵におよぼす食藻の影響(日本動物学会第42回大会講演要旨)、動物学雑誌 80(11・12): 476-477
Thomas Everett Thompson (1972/03)
Chromodorid nudibranchs from eastern Australia (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia)., Journal of Zoology, London 166(3): 391-409 ( Chromodoris loringi=Goniobranchus loringi (Angas, 1864) ? )
馬場菊太郎、浜谷 巌 (1972/09)
ヒトエガイの産卵(Spawning habit of Umbraculum umbraculum (Lightfoot, 1786) (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia) from Kii, Japan))、採集と飼育 34(9): 222-223, 表紙写真
Annetrudi Kress (1972/10)
Veränderungen der Eikapselvolumina während der entwicklung verschiedener Opisthobranchier-Arten (Mollusca, Gastropoda), Marine Biology 16: 236–252
堀越増興(Masuoki Horikoshi) (1972)
北欧産キセワタ属の微小種Philirte denticulataの生活史と海洋生物季節(marine phenology)について(Life history of a minute Tectibranch Philine denticulata in Danish waters and a comment on marine phenology)、日本ベントス研究会連絡誌 (5-6): 13-19
John J. Holleman (1972)
Observations on growth, feeding, reproduction, and development in the Opisthobranch, Fiona pinnata (Eschscholtz), Veliger, 15(2):142-146 (ヒダミノウミウシ)
Arnold R. Kriegstein, Vincent Castellucci, and Eric R. Kandel (1974/09)
Metamorphosis of Aplysia californica in Laboratory Culture, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 71(9):3654-3658
Dale B. Bonar and Michael G. Hadfield (1974/12)
Metamorphosis of the marine Gastropod Phestilla sibogae Bergh (Nudibranchia: Aeolidacea). I. Light and electron microscopic analysis of larval and metamorphic stages, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 16(3):227-255 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Annetrudi Kress (1975/08)
Observations during embryonic development in the genus Doto (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 55(3): 691-701 (マツカサウミウシ属)
Larry G. Harris (1975/12)
Studies on the life history of two coral-eating nudibranchs of the genus Phestilla, The Biological Bulletin (mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole) 149(3):539-550 (イボヤギミノウミウシPhestilla melanobranchia, P. sibogae)
Larry G. Harris, Loren W. Wright and Brian R. Rivest (1975)
Observations on the Occurrence and Biology of the Aeolid Nudibranch Cuthona nana in New England Waters, Veliger, 17(3):264-268 (オショロミノウミウシ属)
Kerry. B. Clark (1975)
Nudibranch life cycles in the Northwest Atlantic and their relationship to the ecology of fouling communities, Helgoländer Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen (Helgoland Marine Research), 27:28-69
Cecilia B. Bridges (1975)
Larval development of Phyllaplysia taylori Dall, with a discussion of development in the Anaspidea (Opisthobranchiata: Anaspidea), Ophelia, 14(1-2):161-184 (スカシウミナメクジ属)
Dale B. Bonar (1976/08)
Molluscan metamorphosis: A study in tissue transformation, American Zoologist 16(3): 573–591 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属 Phestilla sibogae )
M. Rahat (1976)
Direct development and symbiotic chloroplasts in Elysia timida (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), Israel Journal of Zoology 25(4): 186-193 (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Arnold R. Kriegstein (1977/01)
Development of the nervous system of Aplysia californica, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 74(1): 375-378
Arnold R. Kriegstein (1977/02)
Stages in the post-hatching development of Aplysia californica, Journal of Experimental Zoology 199(2):275-288
Catherine Thiriot-Quievreux (1977/02)
Véligère planctotrophe du doridien Aegires punctilucens (D'Orbigny) (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Notodorididae): Description et métamorphose, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 26(2):177-190 (センヒメウミウシ属)
Gamil N. Soliman (1977/04/01)
A discussion of the systems of classification of Dorid Nudibranch veliger shells and their taxonomic significance, Journal of Molluscan Studies, 43(1):12-17
Robert D. Beeman (1977)
Chapter2 Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia, In "Reproduction of Marine Invertebrates" Volume 4 Molluscs: Gastropods and Cephalopods (edited by Arthur C. Giese & John S. Pearse), Academic Press:115-180
Frank E.Perron and Ruth D.Turner (1977/05)
Development, metamorphosis, and natural history of the nudibranch Doridella obscura Verrill (Corambidae: Opisthobranchia), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 27(2): 171-185 (ラメリウミウシ科)
Carol-Ann Manen, Michael G. Hadfield, Diane H. Russell (1977/06)
Polyamine biosynthesis and accumulation during the early development of the Nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, Developmental Biology 57(2): 454-459 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Marilyn Switzer-Dunlap and Michael G. Hadfield (1977/10)
Observations on development, larval growth and metamorphosis of four species of Aplysiidae (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) in laboratory culture, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 29(3):245-261 (ジャノメアメフラシ, アマクサアメフラシ, タツナミガイ, ヒメミドリアメフラシ)
Malcolm Edmunds (1977/12/01)
Larval development, oceanic currents, and origins of the Opisthobranch fauna of Ghana, Journal of Molluscan Studies, 43(3):301-308
Stephen C. Kempf, A.O.Dennis Willows (1977)
Laboratory culture of the nudibranch Tritonia diomedea Bergh (Tritoniidae: Opisthobranchia) and some aspects of its behavioral development, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 30(3): 261-276 (ホクヨウウミウシ)
Brian R. Rivest (1978/02)
Development of the eolid nudibranch Cuthona nana (Alder and Hancock, 1842), and its relationship with a hydroid and hermit crab, Biol. Bull., 154(1):157-175 (オショロミノウミウシ属)
Dale B. Bonar (1978/02)
Fine structure of muscle insertions on the larval shell and operculum of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) before and during metamorphosis, Tissue and Cell 10(1): 143-152 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Dale B. Bonar (1978/02)
Ultrastructure of a cephalic sensory organ in larvae of the gastropod Phestilla sibogae (Aeolidacea, Nudibranchia), Tissue and Cell 10(1): 153-165 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
June F. Harrigan and Daniel Leon Alkon (1978/06)
Larval rearing, metamorphosis, growth and reproduction of the eolid nudibranch Hermissenda crassicornis (Eschscholtz, 1831) (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), The Biological Bulletin (mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole) 154(3): 430-439 (エムラミノウミウシ)
F. S. Chia and R. Koss (1978/06)
Development and metamorphosis of the planktotrophic larvae of Rostanga pulchra (Mollusca: Nudibranchia), Marine Biology, 46(2):109-119 (イソウミウシ属)
Gamil N. Soliman (1978/08/01)
The redescription, reproduction and development of the Dorid Nudibranch Platydoris scabra (Cuvier) from the northwestern Red Sea, Journal of Molluscan Studies 44(2):151-165 (クモガタウミウシ属)
June F. Harrigan and Daniel L. Alkon (1978/10/01)
Laboratory cultivation of Haminoea solitaria (Say, 1822) and Elysia chlorotica (Gould, 1870), Veliger, 21(2):299-302, pl.1 (ミガキブドウガイ属、ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Kerry B. Clark and Andreas Goetzfried (1978/12/01)
Zoogeographic influences on development patterns of North Atlantic Ascoglossa and Nudibranchia, with a discussion of factors affecting egg size and number, Journal of Molluscan Studies 44(3):283-294
Dale B. Bonar (1978/12/31)
Morphogenesis at metamorphosis in Opisthobranch Molluscs, In "Settlement and Metamorphosis of Marine Invertebrate Larvae"(F.S. Chia & M.E. Rice eds.), Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, New York, USA:177-196 
Marilyn Switzer-Dunlap (1978/12/31)
Larval biology and metamorphosis of Aplysiid gastropods, In "Settlement and Metamorphosis of Marine Invertebrate Larvae"(F.S. Chia & M.E. Rice eds.), Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, New York, USA:197-206   (Aplysia brasiliana, A. parvula, A. pulmonica, Dolabella auricularia, Stylocbeilus longicauda ?)
Linda S. Eyster (1979/06)
Reproduction and developmental variability in the opisthobranch Tenellia pallida, Marine Biology 51(2): 133–140 (シロタエミノウミウシ)
Christopher D. Todd (1979/07)
Reproductive energetics of two species of dorid nudibranchs with planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larval strategies, Marine Biology 53: 57-68 (シロトゲウミウシOnchidoris muricata, ユキノハラウミウシAdalaria proxima)
Alan M. Kuzirian (1979/12/01)
Taxonomy and biology of four New England coryphellid nudibranchs, Journal of Molluscan Studies 45(3): 239–261 (コザクラミノウミウシ科)
L. R. Bickell and F. S. Chia (1979/12)
Organogenesis and histogenesis in the planktotrophic veliger of Doridella steinbergae (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia), Marine Biology 52: 291-313 (ラメリウミウシ科)
北尾耕二 (1979/12)
八重山群島産ブドウギヌガイと南紀産ナギサノツユのベリジャー幼生について(Notes on veliger larva of Volvatella sp. from Yaeyama Islands and Oxynoe viridis from southern Kii, Japan、南紀生物、21(2): 59-66
John R. Seager (1979)
Reproductive biology of the antarctic opisthobranch Philine gibba Strebel, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 41(1): 51-74 (キセワタガイ属)
Kerry B. Clark, Mario B. Busacca and Hugh Stirts (1979)
Nutritional aspects of development of the ascoglossan Elysia cauze, in: S. E. Stancyk, Ed., Ecology of marine invertebrates, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, S.C.: 11-24  (フロリダ産 ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Hillary Hosmer West (1979)
Chloroplast symbiosis and development of the ascoglossan opistobranch Elysia chlorotica, PhD thesis, Northeastern University, Boston, MA. (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Leslie G. Williams (1980/04/14)
Development and feeding of the larvae of the nudibranch gastropods Hermissenda crassicornis and Aeolidia papillosa, Malacologia 20(1): 99-116 (エムラミノウミウシ、オオミノウミウシ)
Linda S. Eyster (1980)
Distribution and reproduction of shell-less Opisthobranchs from South Carolina, Bulletin of Marine Science, 30(3): 580-599 (23種)
Christopher D. Todd and Roger W. Doyle (1981/01/31)
Reproductive Strategies of Marine Benthic Invertebrates: A Settlement-Timing Hypothesis, Marine Ecology Progress Series 4: 75-83 (コガモウミウシOnchidoris bilamellata)
臼杵 格 (Itaru Usuki) (1981/01/31)
冬の野外におけるアマクサアメフラシ若令個体の成長 (Growth characteristics of the early juvenile of Aplysis juliana collected in winter), 貝類学雑誌 Venus: the Japanese journal of malacology 39(4): 212-223
Linda S. Eyster (1981/08/01)
Observations on the growth, reproduction and feeding of the nudibranch Armina tigrina, Journal of Molluscan Studies 47(2): 171-181 (タテジマウミウシ属)
Stephen C. Kempf (1981/09/15)
Long-lived larvae of the Gastropod Aplysia juliana: Do they disperse and metamorphose or just slowly fade away? , Marine Ecology Progress Series, 6: 61-65 (アマクサアメフラシ)
Miyoko Kubo and Masaru Ishikawa (1981/12)
Organization of the acrosome and helical structures in sperm of the Aplysiid, Aplysia kurodai (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia), Differentiation, 20(1-3): 131-140 (アメフラシ)
Linda S. Eyster and Stephen E. Stancyk (1981)
Reproduction, growth and trophic interactions of Doriopsilla pharpa Marcus in South Carolina, Bulletin of Marine Science, 31(1): 72-82 (ダイダイウミウシ属)
Kerry B. Clark and Kathe R. Jensen (1981)
A comparison of egg size, capsule size, and development patterns in the order Ascoglossa (Sacoglossa) (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction, 3(2): 57–64 (嚢舌類)
R. A. Rose and I. O. Hoegh-Guldverg (1982/08/01)
A brood-protecting nudibranch with pelagic lecithotrophic development, Journal of Molluscan Studies 48(2): 231-232 (ムカデミノウミウシ)
Ronald L. Rutowski (1983/08)
Mating and egg mass production in the Aeolid Nudibranch Hermissenda crassicornis (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), The Biological Bulletin 165(1): 276-285 (エムラミノウミウシ)
David A. Smith and Kenneth P. Sebens (1983/10/31)
The physiological ecology of growth and reproduction in Onchidoris aspera (Alder & Hancock)(Gastropoda: Nudibranchia), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 72(3):287-304 (ラメリウミウシ属)
Duane E. DeFreese and Kerry B. Clark (1983)
Analysis of reproductive energetics of Florida Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda), International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction , 6(1):1-10  (31種)
Louise R. Bickell and Stephen C. Kempf (1983/08)
Larval and metamorphic morphogenesis in the Nudibranch Melibe leonina (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), The Biological Bulletin, 165(1):119-138 (メリベウミウシ属)
毎原泰彦 (1983/10/01)
ヤマトメリベの飼育と産卵(Rearing and spawning of the opisthobranch, Melibe japonica collected from Suruga Bay)、採集と飼育 45(10): 440-441
今月のカラースナップヤマトメリベの水槽飼育、採集と飼育 45(10): 460(裏表紙に写真と文)
Lisa M. Boucher (1983/10/01)
Extra-capsular yolk bodies in the egg masses of some tropical Opisthobranchia, Journal of Molluscan Studies 49(3): 232–241
R. A. Rose (1983)
Lecithotrophic development of Hoplodoris nodulosa (Angas) (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda), Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 6(1-2): 63-70 (→Carminodoris nodulosa)
Hillary H. West, June F. Harrigan, Sidney K. Pierce (1984/01/03)
Hybridization of two populations of a marine opistobranch with different development patterns, Veliger, 26(3):199-206 (ゴクラクミドリガイ属Elysia chlorotica)
T. E. Thompson and U. Salghetti-Drioli (1984/03/01)
Unusual features of the development of the sacoglossan Elysia hopei in the Mediterranean Sea., Journal of Molluscan Studies, 50(1): 61-63  (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
F. S. Chia and R. Koss (1984/05)
Fine structure of the cephalic sensory organ in the larva of the Nudibranch Rostanga pulchra (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia), Zoomorphology, 104(3):131-139 (イソウミウシ属)
Michael G. Hadfield (1984/06/15)
Settlement requirements of molluscan larvae: New data on chemical and genetic roles, Aquaculture, 39(1-4):283-298 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard (1984/10/05)
The opisthobranchs of Cape Arago, Oregon, with notes on their biology and a summary of benthic opisthobranchs known from Oregon, Veliger, 27(2):143-163 (46種)
Christopher D. Todd and Jonathan N. Havenhand (1985/03/01)
Preliminary observations on the embryonic and larval development of three dorid nudibranchs, Journal of Molluscan Studies 51(1): 97–99 (Adalaria proxima, Onchidoris muricata, Archidoris pseudoargus)
Alastair Grant and Phillip Williamson (1985/05/16)
Settlement-timing hypothesis: a critique, Marine Ecology Progress Series 23: 193-196
Stephen C. Kempf and Michael G. Hadfield (1985/08)
Planktotrophy by the lecithotrophic larvae of a Nudibranch, Phestilla sibogae (Gastropoda) , The Biological Bulletin 169(1): 119-130  (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
R. A. Rose (1985)
The spawn and development of twenty-nine New South Wales Opisthobranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda), Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 108(1): 23-36
R. A. Rose (1985)
The spawn and embryonic development of colour variants of Dendrodoris nigra Stimpson (Mollusca: Nudibranchia), Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 7(1-2): 75-88 (ホンクロシタナシウミウシ)
Marielle Brandon and Charles E. Cutress (1985)
A new Dondice (Opisthobranchia: Favorinidae), predator of Cassiopea in southwest Puerto Rico, Bulletin of Marine Science) 36(1): 139-144 (Dondice parguerensis, サカサクラゲ属に定着)
Michael G. Hadfield, D. Scheuer (1985)
Evidence for a soluble metamorphic inducer in Phestilla: ecological, chemical and biological data, Bulletin of Marine Science 37: 556-566 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Stephen E. Miller and Michael G. Hadfield (1986/06/16)
Ontogeny of phototaxis and metamorphic competence in larvae of the Nudibranch Phestilla sibogae Bergh (Gastropoda : Opisthobranchia), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 97(1): 95-112 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Paul M. Yoshioka (1986/07/07)
Life-history patterns of the Dorid Nudibranchs Doridella steinbergae and Corambe pacifica, Marine Ecology Progress Series, 31:179-184 (→Corambe steinbergae ラメリウミウシ上科)
Kirk Y. Hirata and Michael G. Hadfield (1986)
The role of choline in metamorphic induction of Phestilla (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia) , Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 84(1): 15-21 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Lisa M. Boucher (1986)
Vestigial larval shells in the planktonic veligers of two Gymnodorid Nudibranchs, Journal of Molluscan Studies, 52:30-34 (キクゾノウミウシとGymnodoris sp.)
R. A. Rose (1986)
Direct development in Rostanga arbutus (Angas) (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) and the effects of temperature and salinity on embryos reared in the laboratory, Journal of the Malacological Society of Australia, 7(3-4): 141-154 (ツヅレウミウシ科、イソウミウシ)
T. E. Thompson and G. M. Jarman (1986)
Factors bearing upon egg size and embryonic period in Opisthobranch Molluscs, Bolm Zool., Univ. São Paulo 10:9–18
Michael G. Hadfield and Stephen E. Miller (1987)
On developmental patterns of opisthobranchs, American Malacological Bulletin 5:197––214
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard (1987/01/02)
Observations on the opisthobranch mollusks of Punta Gorda, California, with notes on the distribution and biology of Crimora coneja, Veliger, 29(3):267-273 (38種、Crimora(ヤグルマウミウシ属))
Joseph R.Pawlik, Michael R.Keman, Tadeusz F.Molinski, Mary Kay Harper, D.John Faulkner (1988/07/14)
Defensive chemicals of the Spanisch dancer Nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus and its egg ribbons: macrolides derived from a sponge diet, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 119(2):99-109 (ミカドウミウシ)
E. Jane Albert Hubbard (1988/08)
Larval growth and the induction of metamorphosis of a tropical sponge-eating Nudibranch, J. Mollus. Stud., 54(3): 259-269 (ホシゾラウミウシ)
Fu-Shiang Chia and Ron Koss (1988)
Induction of settlement and metamorphosis of the veliger larvae of the Nudibranch Onchidoris bilamellata, International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 14(1):53-69 (コガモウミウシ)
P. Bouchet (1989/03/03)
A review of poecilogony in Gastropods, Journal of Molluscan Studies, 55(1):67-78
Glenys D. Gibson and Fu-Shiang Chia (1989/04)
Developmental variability (pelagic and benthic) in Haminoea callidegenita (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) is influenced by egg mass jelly, The Biological Bulletin, 176(2):103-110 (ブドウガイ)
Stuart A. Arkett, Fu-Shiang Chia, Jeff I. Goldberg and Ron Koss (1989/04)
Identified settlement receptor cells in a Nudibranch veliger respond to specific cue, The Biological Bulletin, 176(2):155-160 (コガモウミウシ)
Fu-Shiang Chia and Ron Koss (1989/04)
The fine structure of the newly discovered propodial ganglia of the veliger larva of the nudibranch Onchidoris bilamellata, Cell and Tissue Research 256: 17-26 (コガモウミウシ)
J. N. Havenhand and C. D. Todd (1989)
Reproductive effort of the Nudibranch Molluscs Adalaria proxima (Alder & Hancock) and Onchidoris muricata (Muller): an evaluation of techniques), Functional Ecology, 3: 153-163 (ユキノハラウミウシ、シロトゲウミウシ)
J. Timothy Pennington and Michael G. Hadfield (1989/12)
Larvae of a nudibranch mollusc (Phestilla sibogae) metamorphose when exposed to common organic solvents, Biological Bulletin 177(3): 350-355    (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
S. E. Miller and Michael G. Hadfield (1990/04/20)
Developmental arrest during larval life and life-span extension in a marine Mollusc, Science 248(4953): 356-358 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Ingrid Bahamondes-Rojas and Michel Dherbomez (1990/11/27)
Purification partielle de substances glycoconjuguées capables d'induire la métamorphose des larves compétentes d'Eubranchus doriae (Trinchèse, 1879), mollusque nudibranche, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 144(1): 17-27 (ホリミノウミウシ属)
David Carroll and Stephen C. Kempf (1990/12)
Laboratory culture of the Aeolid Nudibranch Berghia verrucicornis (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia): Some aspects of its development and life history, The Biological Bulletin 179(3): 243-253  (オオミノウミウシ科)
Ryoko Tsubokawa and Takashi Okutani (1991/01/02)
Early life history of Pleurobranchaea japonica Thiele, 1925 (Opisthobranchia: Notaspidea), Veliger 34(1): 1-13  (ウミフクロウ)
Anthony Pires and Michael G. Hadfield (1991/04)
Oxidative breakdown products of catecholamines and hydrogen peroxode induce partial metamorphosis in the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae Bergh (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), The Biological Bulletin 180: 310-317    (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
John M. Healy and Richard C. Willan (1991/04/01)
Nudibranch spermatozoa: comparative ultrastructure and systematic importance, Veliger 34(2): 134–165  
Jean Tardy (1991/11/01)
Types of Opisthobranch veligers: Their notum formation and torsion, Journal of the Molluscan Studies 57(Supplement_Part_4): 103-112 (T.E. Thompson Memorial Issue)
Jon N. Havenhand (1991/11/01)
On the behaviour of Opisthobranch larvae, Journal of the Molluscan Studies 57(Supplement_Part_4): 119-131
Yoshiaki J. Hirano and Yayoi M. Hirano (1991/11/01)
Poecilogony or cryptic Species? two geographically different development patterns observed in ‘Cuthona pupillae (Baba, 1961)’ (Nudibranchia: Aeolidoidea), Journal of the Molluscan Studies 57(Supplement_Part_4): 133-141 (→ Trinchesia pupillae コマユミノウミウシ)
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard (1991/11)
Unusually large polar bodies in an aeolid nudibranch: A novel mechanism for producing extra-embryonic yolk reserves, Journal of Molluscan Studies 57: 143-152 (Cuthona lagunae)
Gamil N. Soliman (1991)
A comparative review of the spawning, development and metamorphosis of Prosobranch and Opisthobranch Gastropods with special reference to those from the northwestern Red-Sea, Malacologia 32(2): 257-271
Stephen C. Kempf, George V. Chun, Michael G. Hadfield (1992/02)
An immunocytochemical search for potential neurotransmitters in larvae of Phestilla sibogae (Gastropoda, opisthobranchia) , Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 101(2): 299-305 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Stephen E. Miller (1993/12)
Larval period and its influence on post-larval life history: comparison of lecithotrophy and facultative planktotrophy in the aeolid nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, Marine Biology 117: 635–645 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
W. J. Lambert and C. D. Todd (1994/09)
Evidence for a water-borne cue inducing metamorphosis in the dorid nudibranch mollusc Adalaria proxima (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia), Marine Biology 120: 265–271 (ユキノハラウミウシ)
Yoichi Yusa (1994/11/15)
Size-related egg production in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, the sea hare Aplysia kurodai Baba (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), Pub. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab. 36(4): 249-254 (アメフラシ)
I. Plaut, A. Borut and M. E. Spira (1995/05)
Growth and metamorphosis of Aplysia oculifera larvae in laboratory culture, Marine Biology 122: 425-430  (アメフラシ属)
Glenys D. Gibson and Fu-Shiang Chia (1995/05/05)
Developmental variability in the poecilogonous opisthobranch Haminoea callidegenita: life-history traits and effects of environmental parameters, Marine Ecology Progress Series 121: 139-155   (ブドウガイ)
Jan A. Pechenik, Michael G. Hadfield, Linda S. Eyster (1995)
Assessing whether larvae of the Opisthobranch Gastropod Phestilla sibogae Bergh become responsive to three chemical cues at the same age, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 191: 1-17 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Cynthia D. Trowbridge (1995)
Hypodermic Insemination, oviposition, and embryonic development of a pool-dwelling Ascoglossan(=Sacoglossan) Opisthobranch: Ercolania felina (Hutton, 1882) on New Zealand Shores, Veliger, 38(3):203-211   (アリモウミウシ属)
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard (1996/01/02)
Lecithotrophic development in Doto amyra (Nudibranchia: Dendronotacea), with a review of developmental mode in the genus, Veliger, 39(1):43-54   (マツカサウミウシ属)
Yoshiaki J. Hirano and Yayoi M. Hirano (1996/02)
Difference in larval settlement site between generalist and specialist of Aeolid Nudibranchs, Zoological Science 13: 185-188 (→ Microchlamylla amabilis ピリカミノウミウシ、Occidenthella athadona コザクラミノウミウシ)
平野義明 (1996/04/30)
コザクラミノウミウシとピリカミノウミウシの匍匐ヴェリジャーについて(On the pediveligers of Flabellina athadona and Flabellina amabilis (Nudibranchia: Aeolidacea)、貝類学雑誌Venus: the Japanese journal of malacology 55(1): 69-73
Charles M. Chester (1996/06/01)
The effect of adult nutrition on the reproduction and development of the estuarine nudibranch, Tenellia adspersa (Nordmann, 1845), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 198(1): 113-130 (シロタエミノウミウシ属)
伊藤 学(Manabu Ito)、平野義明(Yoshiaki Hirano) (1996/06/30)
ヨツスジミノウミウシの 2色彩型の卵とその発生(The spawn and embryonic development of two colour morphs of the Aeolid Nudibranch Facelinella quadrilineata (Baba, 1930))、貝類学雑誌Venus: the Japanese journal of malacology 55(2): 115-121
K. Ito, S. Goshima, S. Nakao (1996/09)
Growth and reproduction of the generalist opisthobranch Haloa japonica: effect of algal seasonality on growth rate, Marine Biology 126(3): 395-401  (ブドウガイ)
Conxita Avila, Catherme T. Tamse and Alan M. Kuzirian (1996)
Induction of metamorphosis in Hermissenda crassicornis larvae (Molluscs: Nudibranchia) by GABA, choline and serotonin, Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 29(2): 127-141  (エムラミノウミウシ)
Christopher D. Todd, Michael G. Hadfield and W. Andrew Snedden (1997/08)
Juvenile mating and sperm storage in the tropical corallivorous nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, Invertebrate Biology 116(4): 322-330 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Kenji Ito (1997/06/26)
Egg-size and -number variations related to maternal size and age, and the relationship between egg size and larval characteristics in an annual marine Gastropod, Haloa japonica (Opisthobranchia; Cephalaspidea), Marine Ecology Progress Series 152: 187-195  (ブドウガイ)
A. Pires, S. L. Coon, Michael G. Hadfield (1997/08)
Catecholamines and dihydroxyphenylalanine in metamorphosing larvae of the Nudibranch Phestilla sibogae Bergh (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 181(3): 187-194 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Bernard F. Murphy, Michael G. Hadfield (1997/11)
Chemoreception in the Nudibranch Gastropod Phestilla sibogae, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 118(3): 727-735 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Christopher D. Todd, Michael Walter J. Lambert and John P. Thorpe (1998/10/01)
The genetic structure of intertidal populations of two species of nudibranch molluscs with planktotrophic and pelagic lecithotrophic larval stages: are pelagic larvae “for” dispersal?, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 228(1): 1-28 (Goniodoris nodosa, Adalaria proxima)
Patrick J. Krug (1998/10)
Poecilogony in an estuarine opisthobranch: planktotrophy, lecithotrophy and mixed clutches in a population of the ascoglossan Alderia modesta, Marine Biology 132: 483-494  (オオマツモウミウシ属)
C. Avila (1998/12/1)
Competence and metamorphosis in the long-term planktotrophic larvae of the nudibranch mollusc Hermissenda crassicornis (Eschscholtz, 1831), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 231(1): 81-117 (エムラミノウミウシ)
濱谷巌 (1999/07)
第3亜綱 後鰓類 Opisthobranchia「動物系統分類学(第5巻 下)軟体動物 2」(内田亨・山田真弓監修)、中山書店: 207-378
Patrick J. Krug and Adriana E. Manzi (1999/08)
Waterborne and surface-associated carbohydrates as settlement cues for larvae of the specialist marine herbivore Alderia modesta, The Biological Bulletin 197: 94-103  (オオマツモウミウシ)
Michael G. Hadfield, Meleshkevitch, D. Y. Boudko (2000/02)
The apical sensory organ of a gastropod veliger is a receptor for settlement cues., The Biological Bulletin 198(1): 67-76 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Anthony Pires, Roger P. Croll and Michael G. Hadfield (2000/06)
The apical sensory organ of a gastropod veliger is a receptor for settlement cues., The Biological Bulletin 198(3): 319-331 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
大阪府堺女子高等学校理化クラブ (2000/03/31)
アメフラシの孵化とアナアオサの役割、うみうし通信 26: 10-11
大隅 大(Dai Osumi)、弥益輝文(Terufumi Yamasu) (2000/07/25)
ハゼ科魚類の鰭に見つかる裸鰓類スミゾメキヌハダウミウシの摂餌行動と初期発生(Feeding behavior and early development of Gymnodoris nigricolor Baba, 1960 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) associated with the fins of marine Gobies)、日本ベントス学会誌(Japanese Journal of Benthology) 55: 9-14
Patrick J. Krug and Richard K. Zimmer (2000/05/10)
Developmental dimorphism and expression of chemosensory-mediated behavior: Habitat selection by a specialist marine herbivore, The Journal of Experimental Biology 203: 1741–1754  (オオマツモウミウシ)
W. J. Lambert, C. D. Todd and J. P. Thorpe (2000/08)
Variation in growth rate and reproductive output in British populations of the dorid nudibranch Adalaria proxima: consequences of restricted larval dispersal?, Marine Biology 137: 149-159  (ユキノハラウミウシ)
Patrick J. Krug and Richard K. Zimmer (2000/11)
Larval settlement: chemical markers for tracing production, transport, and distribution of a waterborne cue, Marine Ecology Progress Series 207: 283-296  (オオマツモウミウシ)
Michael G. Hadfield (2000/12)
Why and how marine-invertebrate larvae metamorphose so fast, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 11(6): 437-443 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
E. M. Leise and Michael G. Hadfield (2000/12)
An inducer of molluscan metamorphosis transforms activity patterns in a larval nervous system, Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 11(6): 437-443 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
平野義明 (2001/07)
動物たちの気になる行動(28)アメフラシとウミウシの産卵行動、遺伝 55(4): 12-15
Jeffrey H. R. Goddard (2001/10/01)
The early veliger larvae of Aegires albopunctatus (Nudibranchia: Aegiridae), with morphological comparisons to members of the Notaspidea, Veliger, 44(4):398-400  (センヒメウミウシ属)
Anna Karlsson (2001)
Reproduction in the hermaphrodite Aeolidiella glauca A tale of two sexes, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2001. 43p. (Doctoral thesis) (オオミノウミウシ科)
Annette Klussmann-Kolb and Heike Wägele (2001)
On the fine structure of Opisthobranch egg masses (Mollusca, Gastropoda), Zoologischer Anzeiger - A Journal of Comparative Zoology 240(2): 101-118
Noor Adelyna Mohammed, Akib Zulfigar Yasin and Aileen Shau-Hwai Tan (2001)
Mating behaviour, embryonic and early larval development of three species of nudibranch, the South China Sea, Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 25(1): 173-178 (Jorunna funebris, Phyllidia varicosa, Flabellina sp.)
Kathe R. Jensen (2001)
Review of reproduction in the Sacoglossa (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia), Bollettino Malacologico 37(5-8): 81–98.  (嚢舌類)
Nerida G. Wilson (2002)
Egg masses of chromodorid nudibranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), Malacologia 44(2): 289-305
Cecelia M. Miles and Kerry B. Clark (2002/05/01)
Comparison of biochemical composition and developmental mode in two populations of Costasiella (Opisthobranchia: Ascoglossa (=Sacoglossa)), Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68(2): 101-109 (オオアリモウミウシ属)
Nerida G. Wilson and John M. Healy (2002/05/01)
Comparative sperm ultrastructure in five genera of the nudibranch family Chromodorididae (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), Journal of Molluscan Studies, 68(2): 133-145
Chad G. Sisson (2002/10/01)
Dichotomous life history patterns for the nudibranch Dendronotus frondosus (Ascanius, 1774) in the Gulf of Maine, Veliger, 45(4):290-298  (スギノハウミウシ属)
Nerida G. Wilson and John M. Healy (2002/12)
Is Cadlinella ornatissima a chromodorid? Sperm ultrastructure in an enigmatic nudibranch (Opisthobranchia, Mollusca), Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 42(2-3):179-188 (イガグリウミウシ)
W. J. Lambert, C. D. Todd and J. P. Thorpe (2003/03)
Genetic population structure of two intertidal nudibranch molluscs with contrasting larval types: temporal variation and transplant experiments, Marine Biology 142: 461-471  (ネコジタウミウシ属Goniodoris nodosa, ユキノハラウミウシAdalaria proxima)
G. D. Gibson (2003/10)
Larval development and metamorphosis in Pleurobranchaea maculata, with a review of development in Notaspidea (Opisthobranchia), The Biological Bulletin, 205(2):121-132 (ウミフクロウ属)
Roger P. Croll, Dmitri Y. Boudko, Anthony Pires, Michael G. Hadfield (2003/12)
Transmitter contents of cells and fibers in the cephalic sensory organs of the gastropod mollusc Phestilla sibogae, Cells and Tissue Research 314(3): 437-448 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Janet L. Watt and Ronald B. Aiken (2003)
Effect of temperature on development time in egg masses of the intertidal nudibranch, Dendronotus frondosus (Ascanius 1774) (Opisthobranchia, Dendronotacea), Northeastern Naturalist 10(1): 17-24  (スギノハウミウシ属)
M. A. R. Koehl and Michael G. Hadfield (2004/08)
Soluble settlement cue in slowly moving water within coral reefs induces larval adhesion to surfaces, Journal of Marine Systems 49(1-4): 75-88 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Jeffrey H. R. Goddard (2004)
Developmental mode in benthic Opisthobranch Molluscs from the northeast Pacific Ocean: feeding in a sea of plenty, Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82(12):1954-1968
Michael G. Hadfield and M. A. R. Koehl (2004/08)
Rapid behavioral responses of an invertebrate larva to dissolved settlement cue., Biol. Bull. 207(1): 28-43 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Nerida G. Wilson (2005)
Sperm ultrastructure of the Actinocyclidae (Mollusca, Nudibranchia) and homology of the terminal region of nudibranch sperm, Invertebrate Reproduction and Development, 47(1):1-9 (アマクサウミウシ科)
Louise R. Pagea (2005/05/12)
Inflated protoconchs and internally dissolved, coiled protoconchs of nudibranch larvae: different developmental trajectories achieve the same morphological result,  Invertebrate Biology 119(3):278-286
Chad G. Sisson (2005/06)
Veligers from the nudibranch Dendronotus frondosus show shell growth and extended planktonic period in laboratory culture, Hydrobiologia, 541(1): 205-213 (スギノハウミウシ属)
P. Gianguzza, K. R. Jensen, F. Badalamenti and S. Riggio (2005/08/11)
Relationship between egg features and maternal body size in the simultaneous hermaphrodite Oxynoe olivacea (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa), Marine Biology 148: 117-122 (ナギサノツユ属)
Chad G. Sisson (2005)
Life history dynamics and biogeography of a nudibranch with contrasting developmental modes: A hypothesis for the evolution of larval types, Journal of Natural History 39(20): 1719-1733   (スギノハウミウシ属Dendronotus)
David W. Behrens (2005/10/05)
Nudibranch Behavior, New World Publications, Inc., 176pp
Jeffrey H. R. Goddard (2005/08/26)
Ametamorphic direct development in Dendrodoris behrensi (Nudibranchia: Dendrodorididae), with a review of developmental mode in the family, Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 56(19):201-211  (クロシタナシウミウシ属)
Cláudia Soares and Gonçalo Calado (2006)
Spawn and early development of two sympatric species of the genus Doriopsilla (Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia) with contrasting development strategies, Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 69: 103-109  (ダイダイウミウシ属)
Gilianne D. Brodie and Gonçalo Calado (2006)
Dendrodoris arborescens (Collingwood, 1881) (Mollusca: Nudibranchia): larval characteristics reveal a masked porostome species, Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 69: 119-126  (クロシタナシウミウシ)
Takeshi Furuhashi, Gary Cobb, Lesley Brooker, Richard Willan (2006/01)
Larval development in Dermatobranchus sp. (Nudibranchia: Arminina), Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplememt No. 69: 127-131 (オトメウミウシ属 Dermatobranchus oculus Gosliner & Fahey, 2011??)
Inés Martínez-Pita, Ana I. Sánchez-España and Francisco J. García (2006/03)
Some aspects of the reproductive biology of two Atlantic species of Polycera (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86: 391-399 (フジタウミウシ属Polycera aurantiomarginata and Polycera quadrilineata)
G. Botello and Patrick J. Krug (2006/04/24)
'Desperate larvae' revisited: age, energy and experience affect sensitivity to settlement cues in larvae of the gastropod Alderia sp., Marine Ecology Progress Series 312: 149-159  (オオマツモウミウシ属)
Michael G. Hadfield, Anuschka Faucci, M.A.R. Koehl (2006/10/24)
Measuring recruitment of minute larvae in a complex field environment: The corallivorous nudibranch Phestilla sibogae (Bergh), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 338(1): 57-72 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Ryan A. Ellingson and Patrick J. Krug (2006/11)
Evolution of poecilogony from planktotrophy: Cryptic speciation, phylogeography, and larval development in the gastropod genus Alderia, Evolution 60(11): 2293-2310   (オオマツモウミウシ属)
Anuschka Faucci, Robert J Toonen, Michael G Hadfield (2007/01/07)
Host shift and speciation in a coral-feeding nudibranch, Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences 274: 111-119 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Patrick J. Krug, Ryan A. Ellingson, Ron Burton and Ángel Valdés (2007/02)
A new poecilogonous species of sea slug (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) from California: comparison with the planktotrophic congener Alderia modesta (Lovén, 1844) , Journal of Molluscan Studies 73(1): 29-38   (オオマツモウミウシ属 A. willowi )
Yvonne Grzymbowski, Kristina Stemmer and Heike Wägele (2007/09/07)
On a new Ercolania Trinchese, 1872 (Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa, Limapontiidae) living within Boergesenia Feldmann, 1950 (Cladophorales), with notes on anatomy, histology and biology, Zootaxa 1577: 3-16   (アリモウミウシ属Ercolania kencolesi sp. nov.、マガタマモ内に生息 )
Raphael Ritson-Williams, Sonia M. Shjegstad and Valerie J. Paul (2007/11/23)
Larval metamorphic competence in four species of Phestilla (Gastropoda; Opisthobranchia), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 351(1-2): 160-167  (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Nils Anthes and Nico K. Michiels (2007/12/11)
Reproductive morphology, mating behavior, and spawning ecology of cephalaspid sea slugs (Aglajidae and Gastropteridae), Invertebrate Biology 126(4):335–365 (カメノコキセワタガイ科、ウミコチョウ科)
Louise R. Page (2007/12)
Novel embryogenesis in a nudibranch gastropod: segregation, expulsion, and abandonment of deeply pigmented egg cytoplasm, The Biological Bulletin 213: 303–306 (Madrella sanguinea ショウジョウウミウシ属)
Nicole L. LaForge and Louise R. Page (2007/12/11)
Development in Berthella californica (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) with comparative observations on phylogenetically relevant larval characters among nudipleuran opisthobranchs,  Invertebrate Biology 126(4):318-334 (スズヤカフシエラガイ)
Jean-François Hamel, Philip Sargent and Annie Mercier (2008/03/25)
Diet, reproduction, settlement and growth of Palio dubia (Nudibranchia: Polyceridae) in the north-west Atlantic, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 88(2):365-374 (フジタウミウシ科)
Cory D. Bishop, Anthony Pires, Shong-Wan Norby, Dmitri Boudko, Leonid L. Moroz, Michael G. Hadfield (2008/05/04)
Analysis of nitric oxide-cyclic guanosine monophosphate signaling during metamorphosis of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae Bergh (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), Evolution & Development 10: 288-299 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard and Alicia Hermosillo (2008/06/20)
Developmental mode in opisthobranch molluscs from the tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean, Veliger, 50(2):83-86
H. Arthur Woods and Amy L. Moran (2008)
Temperature–oxygen interactions in Antarctic nudibranch egg masses, The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 798-804 (ホクヨウウミウシ属Tritonia )
Ami Schlesinger, Rotem Goldshmid, Michael G. Hadfield, Esti Kramarsky-Winter, Yossi Loya (2009/03)
Laboratory culture of the Aeolid Nudibranch Spurilla neapolitana (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia): life history aspects, Marine Biology 156: 753-761 (イロミノウミウシ属)
Patrick J. Krug (2009/06)
Not my “Type”: Larval dispersal dimorphisms and bet-hedging in Opisthobranch life histories, The Biological Bulletin 216: 355-372  (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
新稲一仁、久保田信 (2009/06)
ダイダイウミウシ(後鰓亜綱, クロシタナシウミウシ科)の 幼若体(Juvenile of Doriopsilla miniata (Opisthobranchia, Dendrodorididae)、南紀生物 51(1): 51-52
Richard M. Allen, Patrick J. Krug and Dustin J. Marshall (2009/09/04)
Larval size in Elysia stylifera is determined by extra-embryonic provisioning but not egg size, Marine Ecology Progress Series 389: 127-137  (ゴクラクミドリガイ属)
Raphael Ritson-Williams, Sonia M. Shjegstad and Valerie J. Paul (2009)
Larval metamorphosis of Phestilla spp. in response to waterborne cues from corals, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 375: 84–88  (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Ramiro Contreras Guzmán, Margarita Pérez Valdés (2010/01)
Desarrollo embrionario y larval temprano en Diaulula punctuolata (d’Orbigny, 1837) (Nudibranchia: Doridacea) en condiciones de laboratorio, Sociedad Malacológica de Chile (SMACH) Amici Molluscarum 18: 13-20 (エゾカスリウミウシ属)
Alen Kristof, Annette Klussmann-Kolb (2010/01/22)
Neuromuscular development of Aeolidiella stephanieae Valdéz, 2005 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudibranchia)、Frontiers in Zoology 7: 5, 24pp. (open access) (→Berghia stephanieae (Valdés, 2005), オオミノウミウシ科 )
倉持敦子、倉持卓司 (2010/03)
相模湾産ブドウガイにおいて観察された孵化形態の多型(Poecilogonous development in Haminoea japonica (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) from Sagami Bay, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan)、神奈川自然誌資料(Natural History Report of Kanagawa) 31: 9-12
Richard R. Strathmann, Megumi F. Strathmann, Guadalupe Ruiz-Jones, Michael G. Hadfield (2010/10/21)
Effect of plasticity in hatching on duration as a precompetent swimming larva in the Nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, Invertebrate Zoology 129(4): 309-318 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Guadalupe J. Ruiz-Jones and Michael G. Hadfield (2011/02)
Loss of sensory elements in the apical sensory organ during metamorphosis in the Nudibranch Phestilla sibogae, The Biological Bulletin 220(1): 39-46 (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
倉持敦子、倉持卓司 (2011/06)
相模湾産イソウミウシの初期発生について(Larval development of Rostanga orientalis (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) collected from Sagami Bay, Central Japan), 南紀生物 53(1): 19-21
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard (2011/12)
Palio dubia (Nudibranchia: Doridina) from the north-west Atlantic Ocean: Is its morphology at hatching consistent with settlement one day later?, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 91(8):1651–1654 (フジタウミウシ科)
Pattira Kasamesiri, Shettapong Meksumpun, Charumas Meksumpun (2012/04/01)
Observations on embryonic development of black-spot Jorunna, Joruna funebris (Kelaart, 1859) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia), Journal of Shellfish Research, 31(1): 111-118  (ブチウミウシ)
Jann E. Vendetti, Cynthia D. Trowbridge and Patrick J. Krug (2012/07)
Poecilogony and population genetic structure in Elysia pusilla (Heterobranchia: Sacoglossa), and reproductive data for five sacoglossans that express dimorphisms in larval development., Integrative and Comparative Biology, 52(1): 138-150  (ウチワミドリガイほか)
M. Wolf and C. M. Young (2012)
Complete development of the northeast Pacific Arminacean Nudibranch Janolus fuscus, The Biological Bulletin, 222(2): 139-149  (ハナヤギウミウシ)
Gonçalo Calado, Cláudia Soares and Ricardo C. Neves (2012)
Reproduction in two sympatric Iberian nudibranch species (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) with contrasting development types, Iberus 30(1): 103-110  (ダイダイウミウシ属)
Walter J. Lambert (2013/02)
Population biology of an intertidal Dorid Nudibranch (Onchidoris muricata) in the Southern Gulf of Maine, U.S.A.: Changes in phenology due to an invasive prey?, American Malacological Bulletin 31(1): 17-23 (シロトゲウミウシ)
中嶋淑美 (2013/06)
飼育下におけるコールマンウミウシの交接・産卵・孵化の観察 ー孵化と同調した産卵周期ー、大阪市立自然史博物館友の会 Nature Study 59(6): 6-10 (Chromodoris colemani)
Jennifer S. Trickey, Jennifer Vanner and Nerida G. Wilson (2013/08/07)
Reproductive variance in planar spawning Chromodoris species (Mollusca: Nudibranchia), Molluscan Research, 33(4): 265-271
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard and Brenna Green (2013/08/01)
Developmental mode in Opisthobranch Molluscs from the Northeast Pacific Ocean: Additional species from Southern California and supplemental data, Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences 112(2): 49-62 (カイメンウミウシ属Atagema alba他 33種)
林牧子、深町昌司 (2014/09)
裸鰓目ウミウシ幼生の飼育の試み、うみうし通信 84: 4-5  (コンガスリウミウシ, シロウミウシ, サラサウミウシ, コモンウミウシ, アオウミウシ, リュウモンイロウミウシ)
Pattira Kasamesiri, Shettapong Meksumpun, Charumas Meksumpun (2014)
Embryonic development of nudibranch species (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia) in the Gulf of Thailand, Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 2(12): 931-939  (ブチウミウシ、フジナミウミウシ、キイロウミウシ、 マダライロウミウシ, クロシタナシウミウシ属Dendrodoris krusensternii, タテヒダイボウミウシ、コイボウミウシ属Phyllidiella rosans, セスジミノウミウシ)
Zer Vue, Bishoy S. Kamel, Thomas R. Capo, Ana T. Bardales, Mónica Medina (2014/12/11)
Comparative analysis of early ontogeny in Bursatella leachii and Aplysia californica, PeerJ 2:e700. doi: 10.7717/peerj.700. eCollection 2014.  (アメフラシ科)
Jeffrey H.R. Goddard and Ángel Valdés (2015/03)
Reviving a cold case: two northeastern Pacific dendrodorid nudibranchs reassessed (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia), The Nautilus 129(1): 31-42 (クロシタナシウミウシ科)
Kathe R. Jensen and Rene S. L. Ong (2015/07/10)
Spawning observed in a specimen of the shelled sacoglossan Lobiger viridis Pease, 1863 from Singapore (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Heterobranchia), The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 31: 250–254  (フリソデミドリガイ)
Patrick J. Krug, Jann E. Vendetti, Ryan A Ellingson, Cynthia D. Trowbridge, Yayoi M. Hirano, Danielle Y. Trathen, Albert K. Rodriguez, Cornelis Swennen, Nerida G. Wilson and Ángel A. Valdés (2015/07/10)
Species selection favors dispersive life histories in sea slugs, but higher per-offspring investment drives shifts to short-lived larvae, Systematic Biology 64(6): 983–999   (嚢舌類)
O. V. Zaitseva, A. N. Shumeev, T. A. Korshunova, and A. V. Martynov (2015)
Heterochronies in the formation of the nervous and digestive systems in early postlarval development of Opisthobranch Mollusks: Organization of major organ systems of the Arctic Dorid Cadlina laevis, Biology Bulletin, 42(3): 186-195  (カドリナウミウシ属)
Mamiko Hirose, Euichi Hirose, Masato Kiyomoto (2015/12)
Identification of five species of Dendrodoris (Mollusca: Nudibranchia) from Japan, using DNA barcode and larval characters, Marine Biodiversity 45(4): 769-780 (クロシタナシウミウシ属)
Rosstin Ahmadian, Ingo Burghardt and Ursula L. Shepherd (2016/06/21)
Embryonic development of the solar-powered nudibranch Phyllodesmium lizardensis (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia), Molluscan Research, 36(4): 285-289
Mostafa A.M. Mahmoud and Mahmoud Raafat (2016/07/10)
Spawn and early larval development of Spanish Dancer Nudibranch Hexabranchus sanguineus (Rüppell and Leuckart, 1828) (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia), Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 11(1): 85-92  (ミカドウミウシ)
Walter J. Lambert, George R.R. Bell, Larry G. Harris (2016/07/11)
Growth and reproduction of the dorid nudibranch Onchidoris muricata fed native and invasive bryozoan prey, American Malacological Bulletin 34(1): 40-50 (シロトゲウミウシ)
Rael Horwitz, Matthew D. Jackson and Suzanne C. Mills (2017/02/01)
The embryonic life history of the tropical sea hare Stylocheilus striatus (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) under ambient and elevated ocean temperatures, PeerJ 5:e2956; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2956, 16P  (クロスジアメフラシ)
Juan Moles, Heike Wägele, Adele Cutignano, Angelo Fontana, Manuel Ballesteros and Conxita Avila (2017/04/21)
Giant embryos and hatchlings of antarctic nudibranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Heterobranchia), Marine Biology 164: Article number 114 (寒帯産: シンカイウミウシ属Bathydoris hodgsoni, Doris kerguelenensis)
M. Mies, C. R. Voolstra, C. B. Castro, D. O. Pires, E. N. Calderon and P. Y. G. Sumida (2017/05/24)
Expression of a symbiosis-specific gene in Symbiodinium type A1 associated with coral, nudibranch and giant clam larvae, Royal Society Open Science 4: 170253, 10p. (渦鞭毛藻 Symbiodinium, オオミノウミウシ科 Berghia stephanieae)
倉持卓司、倉持敦子、伊藤 勇(2018/02)
三浦半島沿岸域から採集されたセンヒメウミウシ(軟体動物, 腹足綱, 異鰓上目)の形態と初期発生について(On the morphology and the development of Aegires villosus Farran, 1905 (Mollusca; Gastropoda; Heterobranchia) collected from the coastal zone of the Miura Peninsula, central Japan), 神奈川自然誌資料 39: 23-26
Kathe R. Jensen and Rene S.L. Ong (2018/12/07)
A fold in the visor: formation of the bivalved shell in Berthelinia singaporensis Jensen, 2015 (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Sacoglossa), with notes on spawning and development, Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66: 797-809 (タマノミドリガイ属)
Nur Leena W. S. Wong and Julia D. Sigwart (2019/05/23)
Natural history clues to the evolution of bivalved gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Sacoglossa: Juliidae), Marine Biodiversity 49: 1997-2007  (ユリヤガイ科)
Tengku S. A. Raja-Salleh, Hii Y. Siang, Yusri Yusuf and Mohd H. Norainy (2019)
Embryonic and larval development of the nudibranch Phyllidiella nigra, AACL Bioflux (Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society) 12(6): 2085-2092  (クロイボウミウシ)
João Encarnação, Thomas Seyer, Maria Alexandra Teodósio and Francisco Leitão (2020/05/28)
First record of the nudibranch Tenellia adspersa (Nordmann, 1845) in Portugal, associated with the invasive hydrozoan Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771), Diversity 2020, 12(6), 214 (7pp.)   (シロタエミノウミウシ属)
Juntong Hu, Yanjie Zhang, James Yang Xie and Jian-Wen Qiu (2020/06)
A new species of predatory Nudibranch (Gastropoda: Trinchesiidae) of the coral Pavona decussata, Zoological Studies 59: 30 doi:10.6620/ZS.2020.59-30   (イボヤギミノウミウシ属Phestilla fuscostriata sp. nov.)
Juntong Hu, Yanjie Zhang, Sam King Fung Yiu, James Yang Xie and Jian-Wen Qiu (2020/11)
A new species of predatory Nudibranch (Gastropoda: Trinchesiidae) of the Scleractinian coral Goniopora, Zoological Studies 59: 66   (イボヤギミノウミウシ属Phestilla goniophaga sp. nov.)
Anna Mikhlina, Irina Ekimova, Elena Vortsepneva (2020/12)
Functional morphology and post-larval development of the buccal complex in Eubranchus rupium (Nudibranchia: Aeolidida: Fionidae)., Zoology 143: Article 125850  (ホリミノウミウシ属)
西田和記 (2021/04/10)
発生様式からウミウシの飼育下繁殖を考える -ムカデミノウミウシの例-、全日本ウミウシ連絡協議会 季刊うみうし 7(4): 2-4  
柏尾 翔(Sho Kashio)、田中広樹(Hiroki Tanaka) (2021/12)
外来種ミノウミウシ Trinchesia perca (Marcus, 1958)の形態・生態学的知見、および日本国内における分布について(Morphological and ecological notes on the nonindigenous nudibranch Trinchesia perca (Marcus, 1958) and its distribution in western Japan)、ちりぼたん: 日本貝類学会研究連絡誌 newsletter of the Malacological Society of Japan 52(1): 30-43 (コウワンミノウミウシ(新称)
Sam King Fung Yiu, Sheena Suet-Wah Chung and Jian-Wen Qiu (2021/12/06)
New observations on the corallivorous nudibranch Phestilla melanobrachia: morphology, dietary spectrum and early development, Journal of Molluscan Studies 87(4): eyab034   (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Jessica A. Goodheart, Vanessa Barone and Deirdre C. Lyons (2022/04/18)
Movement and storage of nematocysts across development in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae (Valdés, 2005)、Frontiers in Zoology 19: 16, 15pp. (open access) (juvenile, オオミノウミウシ科, 餌はセイタカイソギンチャク (Exaiptasia diaphana) )
Neville F. Taraporevala, Maryna P. Lesoway, Jessica A. Goodheart, Deirdre C. Lyons (2022/08/01)
Precocious sperm exchange in the simultaneously hermaphroditic nudibranch, Berghia stephanieae、Integrative Organismal Biology 4(1): 1-13 (open access) (オオミノウミウシ科)
Sam King Fung Yiu and Jian-Wen Qiu (2022)
Morphology, feeding rate and larval settlement preference of the corallivorous nudibranch Phestilla subodiosa (Nudibranchia: Trinchesiidae) from Hong Kong、Zoological Studies 61: 59 (doi:10.6620/ZS.2022.61-59) (open access) (イボヤギミノウミウシ属)
Ruben X. G. Silva, Diana Madeira, Paulo Cartaxana and Ricardo Calado (2023/01/14)
Assessing the trophic impact of bleaching: The model pair Berghia stephanieae/Exaiptasia diaphana, Animals 13(2): 291 9pp. (open access) (オオミノウミウシ科/セイタカイソギンチャク)

